Sunday, November 2, 2008

Culture part 1

Culture refers to the shared behaviour patterns based on attitudes, values and beliefs of a group of people.
Elements /Determinants of Culture
The following are the determinants of culture
  1. Education
  2. Religion
  3. Language
  4. Aesthetics
  5. Attitudes and Beliefs
  6. Technology and material culture
  7. Social Unit (family/tribe)
  8. Opinion Leaders


The education level of a country is one of the determinants of its culture. The more the education level of a country, the more it is adaptable to change. Education broadens the perspectives. From business point of view it shapes the kind of market we are operating, the kind and type of products/services the country is offering. The governance of a country becomes simple with education.In india, Education is being given the paramount importance.

2. Religion

Religion is a major aspect of consumer behaviour. It is a strong shaper of values. Within religion there are manymany factions whose specific beliefs may affect business. Religion has also influence on practices. From business perspective, products/services has to be in sync with religion. The largest religion is christianity.

3. Language

Language is a factor that greatly affects cultural stability. When people from different areas speak the same language, culture spreads more easily. Business can be done more easily with other nations that share the same language. Because countries see language is an integral part of their cultures, they sometimes regulate their languages. For advertising the language has a greater impact.

4. Aesthetics

Sensory perceptions play a major role. There are many aspects from business point of view

  • Design : how you make your product
  • Color : Packaging
  • Music : Advertising
  • Product Policy
  • Consumer preferences.
  • Brand Name Customization

5. Attitudes and Beliefs

Changing behaviour is easier but changing attitude is difficult. From company perspective understanding belief is very important. Beliefs are derived from values and history. Beliefs are related to education also. Attitudes are inherent in us. From company perspective predisposition i.e. risk taking ability, creativity demands compliance are important.

6. Technology and Material Culture

It determines how much the culture has adopted technology. Eg. Robotics is being used in US for certain kind of jobs. However countries differ in their degree of materialism.

7. Social Unit

In Some societies the family is the most important group membership. In societies in which there is low trust outside the family, small family run companies are quite successful. But these companies have difficulty in growing because of their reluctance to share responsibility with professional managers.

8. Opinion Leaders

Opinion Leaders help in speeding up the acceptance of change. By discovering the local channels of influence an international company may locate opinion leaders. Opinion leaders may emerge in unexpected places. Characteristics of opinion leaders vary from country to country.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks a ton Milan.
This is a life saver............